

The chocolate of KAMIKAZE SPEED ROD was added.

KAMIKAZE SPEED RODさんのチョコが追加されました。


The number of goods that you hunt has increased.

Hint is "moon".

mizuki kimono_kan honten




Regalo(22) have moved. new address is SHIKI VILLAGE (230, 142, 21)




Please follow the rule of each facilities when you participate. By the way, the bath of LOVEHO to be a stark-naked or to a bathing suit or wearing of the towel. The person who doesn't come off has the possibility that BAN is done. Please note it.

1.THE LOVEHO SPA RESORT - Adult area , SHOP BLOG,(1.Please look up the top of the symbol

(2.Blessing to the bride&bridegroom (3.Do you like hot spring?

2.Harcourt Quality Furnishings Store - Think different (Please think another way)

3.noname.-SHOP BLOG , NO HINT

4.KAMIKAZE Speed Shop & HoTRod Rid - The present of the inside changes in the first half and the latter half. The hint is "Table that commanding is good. "

5.mizuki kimono_kan honten - SHOP BLOG , 1) Shall I conceal it under the bed? or... 2) moon

6.Mad Scripter's Lab ~ Main Lab ~ - SHOP BLOG , Around the front door

7.G-HANA=Shock=音の森店 - Take it immediately otherwise it will melt.....

8.SUSUKINO " Select MOTION"- Panel of the second floor

9.Mako's Pandorabox - SHOP BLOG , Keep Trying!

10.::ELFIN::- SHOP BLOG , Dressing room in the store

11.Time of angel(Hair shop) in TOYOSU MALL - SHOP BLOG , NO HINT

12.Mistress KAGARI ANNEX - Adult area , SHOP BLOG , Bartender

3.SHOP NN - SHOP BLOG , You cant leave the textbook at school

14.EN - 1.2. star falls

15.qn ii - annex - Adult  area , SHOP BLOG , Please use the camera

16. *evergreen* - Similar color

17.Gardening shop ::scRamboo:: - SHOP BLOG , Under the wheel

18.Peach white - Adult area , The image of the premium is pasted. It puts it near there.

19.S-shop - Adult area  , After all, I like inside.

20.Tattoo shop Cyan - SHOP BLOG , MIKAWAYA

21.BDSM Club Japan - Adult area , Look up the flame on the castle

22.:::Regalo:::TATTOO main shop - SHOP BLOG, NO HINT

23.Maid style cafe "k" in LOVEHO - Adult area , SHOP BLOG, NO HINT

24.JinJin electric store - a decorative arrow supposed to ward off evil.

25.PaPillon - SHOP BLOG , Does the butterfly eat the chocolate??Which butterfly is eating?

26.himiko store - [ Main Store ] -  SHOP BLOG1, SHOP BLOG2, (1 If you put chocolatethere,it will be melted by heat. (2 Around the entrance. (3 Was it hard to put there?

27.GESTURE'S BUCKS CAFE - SHOP BLOG , There should be a lot of chocolates of this food.

28. **KURUMI** - SHOP BLOG, On something behind the wall





1.THE LOVEHO SPA RESORT - Adult  area , SHOP BLOG, 1.シンボルのてっぺんにあります。 2.新郎新婦に祝福を。 3.のんびりとお湯に浸かってください。

2.Harcourt Quality Furnishings Store - 発想を変えてみて下さい

3.noname.-SHOP BLOG  ノーヒント

4.KAMIKAZE Speed Shop & HoTRod Rid - 海外から特別参加していただきました。前半と後半で中のプレゼントが変わります。 ヒントは"見晴らしの良いテーブル"です。

5.みずき工房着物館”みずき”本店 mizuki kimono_kan honten - SHOP BLOG ,1) 物を隠すなら,ベッドの下か,それとも2) 月

6.Mad Scripter's Lab ~ Main Lab ~ - SHOP BLOG わりと玄関らへん

7.G-HANA=Shock=音の森店 - 早く取らないとドロドロに溶けちゃう~!

8.SUSUKINO " Select MOTION"- 2Fのパネルを探してね

9.Mako's Pandorabox - SHOP BLOG , 頑張れ!

10.::ELFIN::- SHOP BLOG 有名クラブ内にあるショップです。 店内のドレッシングルーム

11.Time of angel(Hair shop) in TOYOSU MALL - SHOP BLOG , プレゼントはお花と一緒にどうぞ

12.Mistress KAGARI ANNEX - Adult area , SHOP BLOG , バーテンダー

13.SHOP NN - SHOP BLOG , 置き勉はいけませんよ

14.EN - 1.2.空から星が降ってきます.

15.qn ii - annex - Adult area , SHOP BLOG カメラをうまく使ってください

16. *evergreen* - 同系色

17.Gardening shop ::scRamboo:: - SHOP BLOG  車輪の下

18.Peach white - Adult  area , 景品の画像を貼ります。その近くに置きます。

19.S-shop - Adult area  , やっぱり中が一番よね

20.Tattoo shop Cyan - SHOP BLOG , 三河屋

21.BDSM Club Japan - Adult  area , 見上げる城の上の炎を見よ

22.:::Regalo:::TATTOO main shop - SHOP BLOG , 隙間に落ちちゃってみつからなーい!!

23.Maid style cafe "k" in LOVEHO - adalt area , SHOP BLOG

24.JinJin electric store - 破魔矢

25.PaPillon - SHOP BLOG , チョコは蝶が食べてしまうかも!?どの蝶が食べているのかな?

26.himiko store - [ Main Store ] -  SHOP BLOG1, SHOP BLOG2, ヒント1.「そ、そんな所にチョコレート置いたら、溶けちゃいまっせ~、、、熱で」  ヒント2.「エントランス付近かな~?」 ヒント3.「よくそんな所に届いたね~、、、」

27.GESTURE'S BUCKS CAFE - SHOP BLOG , やっぱり、この食べ物にはチョコがいっぱい!のほうが美味しいよね!?

28. **KURUMI** - SHOP BLOG,  壁の後ろの何かの上